View our Corporate Plan for 2023-28

Updated: 2 October 2023 at 11:38am

In January 2023, our Board agreed a new Corporate Plan for 2023-28.  

Produced in partnership with residents, the plan sets out our plans and priorities for the next five years, in line with our vision, values and objectives.  

These are challenging times and throughout 2023-28, we will focus on improving our existing homes, supporting residents through the cost-of-living crisis and providing the services our residents need. 

The plan also outlines our commitment to maintaining our resident-led Community Gateway model, ensuring that involvement opportunities are flexible, accessible and open to everyone.  

With the help of our Resident Communications Group, we’ve produced a designed-up version of the Corporate Plan which is available to view online

If you would like to get involved with Phoenix and have ideas to help shape our future and achieve our goals, please contact us.