We are receiving reports that residents are being contacted by solicitors specialising in disrepair and other cases related to housing.
As a resident-led landlord, we are absolutely committed to keeping your home in good repair.
We understand that, at times, things can go wrong. When this happens, we want to work with you to agree on a resolution to put things right. We want you to enjoy your home, and we want to hear from you if things go wrong so that we can improve our services and ensure that lessons are learned to improve our services.
Solicitors specialising in disrepair will contact you via telephone, email, text and in person and advise you not to contact us or let us in to complete a repair in your home.
We ask all residents wishing to report an issue or make a complaint to contact us directly. You can make a complaint by phone, email, letter, via a representative or in person at any time. You can also email your complaint to complaints@phoenixch.org.uk.
You can also contact the Housing Ombudsman. You can call them directly on 0300 111 3000 or write to:
Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 152
Liverpool L33 7WQ
Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk
Find out more on the Housing Ombudsman website.
What to do if you are contacted
If you think you have been targeted by one of these companies, please consider the things below: